Browsing: Un

Three more African countries – Benin, Liberia and Sierra Leone, are now part of a program to provide malaria vaccines to millions of children in a continent where 95 per cent of malaria deaths occur, as announced by the United Nations on Thursday. Africa is responsible for around 94 per cent of global malaria cases, according to the World Health Organisation. […]

The Centre for Convention on Democratic Integrity, a non-governmental organization in Nigeria and Maryland, United States, has announced a partnership with the United Nations and the University of Washington to reduce oil theft and improve Nigeria's energy sector. Together, they will hold a session called 'Sustainable Energy Security in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges, and […]

The Licorne (“Unicorn”) thermonuclear test; Fangataufa, French Polynesia; 1970CTBTO After most of the world’s nations signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, in 1996,  they set up a new commission to watch out for clandestine explosions. Since then the commission (CTBTO) has wired the world with hundreds of seismometers, infrasound detectors, radionuclide sniffers, and underwater microphones. The […]