Monday, March 3

About Us The Sina Times

In 2009, The Sina Times website was launched to publish and create magazines and informative articles on Asian life, lifestyle and culture.
In early 2013, we changed the format of the site and stopped producing magazines, prioritizing the creation of articles.

Since 2020, The Sina Times has been an unbiased, non-profit global news site covering key areas such as politics, business, technology, crime, sports and economics. We also publish localized news from individual countries, which you can view by clicking on the relevant category. We are currently building a reputation as a trusted news source by striving to provide relevant, useful, meaningful news topics that promise to provide insight into national news affecting you, your family, your neighborhood and your country.

We hope to be a media outlet that provides unbiased, in-depth news that you can use to your advantage, as well as stories and information you can’t find on other major news resources.